Alma Fuerte’s After-school Program aims to provide a quality resource for parents that work outside the home after the school day is over. Our mission is to provide a nurturing and safe environment where students can have fun with their peers through extra curricular activities. Each week, students will have the opportunity to get homework help and participate in activities like art, sports, board games, themed clubs, and more.
Hours: 2:30PM - 6:30PM Monday through Friday.
The designated pick up times are 4:30 PM or 5:30 when are clubs finish, and/or 6:00 PM. You may pick up your child any time however we ask that you come as close to these times as possible.

Picking Up
Parents and authorized (emergency) contacts must sign the child out. No student will be released to anyone that is not on the registration form, if you need to add a new contact, please do so in your Aeries account.
As a small team, we count on your timeliness to help us maintain a quality, safe, and low-cost program. The last pickup is at 6:30pm sharp. Please keep in mind, our teammates also have families to go home to. Continued late pickups may result in dismissal from the after school program.
Behavior Policy
The Alma Fuerte After-School Program is a privilege.
We have ZERO tolerance for bullying. We will work as a team with you to develop a behavior plan to help your child be successful. Your partnership will be our greatest resource in providing the support we need for your child to be successful.
Students not respecting the rules of the after school program may lose the ability of participating in certain activities or clubs. Persistent behavioral issues that pose a risk to your child, other children, or to our staff may lead to suspension/termination from the after-school program.
Other Important Notes
Accidents/Illness/Emergency: If your child is injured or becomes ill during the after school program, the parent/guardian will be contacted and, in the case of injury, we will provide you with a copy of the written incident report at the time of pickup.
In the case of an emergency, our staff will immediately contact the parent(s). If the parent(s) cannot be reached, our staff will reach out to other emergency contacts in your child’s Aeries account. Please make sure to update your Aeries account with any changes to your address/ phone numbers/ emergency contacts as soon as they happen.
Personal electronic devices are not allowed. If you need to get in touch with your student, please call the school phone.
We serve fresh fruits, vegetables, prepackaged healthy food, however we encourage parents to send extra snacks/drinks.
Should you have any questions or concerns, please speak with Mr. Kameron Williams, "Mr. Kam," who will be in charge of the program.
For any other questions or concerns, please email
After School Clubs

Coach Padilla
Wellness/ Culinary Club
Tue & Thur 4:30-5:30pm
Chef Fast

Mon & Thur 4:30-5:30pm

Garden Club

Coding Club

Yearbook Club